Photo of Ulises Ascencio Mexico

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in Celaya, Guanajuato.México.

Esudios in the paint shop of the Tecnológico de Celaya and drawing workshop with the teacher Gilberto Aceves Navarro.


Exhibition at the Library \"José Vasconcelos\" in Mexico City.

- \"De teeth pa\'fuera\" Museo Olga Costa and Jose Chavez Morado, the city of Guanajuato.

- \"A day like any other,\" Historic Museum San Miguel de Allende, San...

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78.74 x 43.31 in
74.80 x 90.55 in
22.05 x 83.46 in
39.37 x 62.99 in
70.87 x 47.24 in
55.12 x 43.31 in
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in Celaya, Guanajuato.México.

Esudios in the paint shop of the Tecnológico de Celaya and drawing workshop with the teacher Gilberto Aceves Navarro.


Exhibition at the Library \"José Vasconcelos\" in Mexico City.

- \"De teeth pa\'fuera\" Museo Olga Costa and Jose Chavez Morado, the city of Guanajuato.

- \"A day like any other,\" Historic Museum San Miguel de Allende, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.

- \"Monkeys, crashes and scams,\" Tithing House, Celaya, Gto.

- \"Birds, hardship and other trifles\" exhibition Museum of the city, Querétaro

- \"Witnesses disenchanted \"exhibition Museum of the city, Querétaro.

- \"Attempts and misfortunes\", exhibition Casa de la Cultura de Celaya, Gto.

- Exhibition in the gallery Nina Moreno, Tijuana BC, Mexico.

- Exhibition in the gallery Coyoacán, Mexico City.

- \"Skin in the other,\" exhibition YARA cultural center, Havana, Cuba.

More than 30 group exhibitions in cities such as Queretaro, Zacatecas, Oaxaca, Aguascalienes, Gomez Palacio, Morelia, La Havana, Cuba and Fort Worth, Texas. United States.

- Honorable Mention, Second Biennial of Painting \"July Castillo, Santiago de Queretaro, Qtro.

- Honorable mention in painting, Alfredo Zalce Fourth Biennial, Museum of Contemporary Art, Morelia, Michoacán.

- Fellow of the state fund for culture and arts Guanajuato.

- First place at the Third Biennial State of paint \"Olga Costa, Celaya, Guanajuato State Scholarship fund for culture and arts Guanajuato, youth creators.

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